Manifold AI Art contest - "Manifold's best year so far - 2023" - Mega MC UL Game, lots of prizes
resolved Jan 3
"Deleveraging" - N.C. Young
"The Whale's Fate" - N.C. Young
"Live!" - N.C. Young
“Manifold predicts the next Speaker of the House” - @DanMan314
“Peaceful Christmas” - Nikos
"There Are Two Ji-Hoon Kims" - N.C. Young
"Hopeful Early Days of LK-99" - Ernie
Two Ji-Hoon Kims who are learning market dynamics and making actual predictions. - SirCryptomind
"Digitail Market Success w/Quadcopter reindeer" - Ernie
"Pop star wins award" - Pazzaz
"Most prized possessions" - Pazzaz

How to play

  1. People post images in comments and add an answer for each one

  2. Other people vote on images by hearting/grinching comments

  3. Other people buy shares in images they think will get a high score

  4. In the end, we calculate the scores independently for each market

  5. Each individual entry (i.e. one image+comment) will have its own score, based on what happens below.

How to play

  1. Create an image

  2. Make up a name for it

  3. Post an answer for it, like "<Title of the image> - <Your name>"

  4. Then reply to the image if you'd like, that way that answer is linked to your comment

  5. In the reply comment, paste in the image, and add the title, so people can connect to it!

How to play - voting

  1. Vote by adding a heart to the comment of the image

  2. Also if you think an image is good, buy shares in it

  3. You can also add a "Grinch comment" where you post a 😠 in reply to an image. But you can only add one of them for every image you upload, and also for every one you post, all of your images get a -1% score. If you have too many grinch comments I'll hide the later ones.


Add together your subscore in each category to get your final score. Then change the "points" to "percent". If your final score is >100, it resolves to 100%.

Number of Hearts on your comment w/the image

1 => +10 points

2 => +20 points

5 => +30 points

10 => +40 points

20 => +50 points

100 => +60 points

Price of your image multiple choice entry at close of market

at or above 20% => +5 points

at or above 50% => +7 points

at or above 90% => +10 points

Additional bonuses

highest price of all entries => an additional +2 points

scrooge award: lowest value of all entries => an additional +5 points

Number of Hearts on your image comment Ranking (in addition to the above)

most hearts => +50 points

2nd most hearts => +30 points

3-5th most hearts => +20 points

6-10th most hearts => +10 points

Grinch comments 😠 Received on your post

for every 1 => -10 points on your image

Grinch comments you've made 😠:

-1 points on all of your own image submissions.

Number of identifiable individual manifold people in your image

+2 points for each one; make claims about this in your submission and they'll be judged


I reserve the right to add more rules as we go; rules will generally be positive in terms of score output.


In addition to mana profits, I will send Christmas Mana presents to the top 10 points scorers in this market:

  • 1st place: 1000 mana

  • 2nd place: 500 mana

  • 3-5th place: 300 mana

  • 6-10th place: 200 mana


"Interesting things that happened on Manifold in the year 2023, etc."


"2023, Manifold's best year so far"

To create AI art:

  • This is a free version of dalle-3 which is free:

  • you can pay 20$/month and use chatGPT or dalle-3 (better, 2 images at once) on openai's website:

  • you can join midjourney which is pretty great too, and that's cheap, via discord! In a lot of ways this is the best one; way faster, unlimited, much less censorship. But, it's a bit less accurate in composition than the others.

to start trading!

🏅 Top traders

#NameTotal profit
Sort by:

Okay, here are the point totals by person:

  • NC Young 270 points, 1000 mana prize

  • Danman 57, 500 mana

  • Niko 55, 300 mana

  • Pazzaz 42, 300 mana

  • Sircryptomind 35, 300 mana

@Ernie let me know if you didn't get your award. Merry Christmas!

@Ernie Wow generous awards, thank you!

Geez okay will send out awards in the morning, why do I make it so complicated to calc on the phone


In addition to mana profits, I will send Christmas Mana presents to the top 10 points scorers in this market:

  • 1st place: 1000 mana

  • 2nd place: 500 mana

  • 3-5th place: 300 mana

  • 6-10th place: 200 mana

clears throat

@NcyRocks Ah the matter of the bill

... Yes

Thanks for playing, and congrats to the winners.

What I learned: it's a real pain doing this manually; I should have had a sheet. I didn't realize til halfway through that I'd better do it in a spreadsheet and run it that way, and also that I couldn't reresolve individual options.

Note: if you lost a few mana, I'm sorry about that. If you need the mana please message me and I'll send it.

Entries - rank, name, number of hearts on comment

  • 1 deleveraging 12

  • 2 whale's fate 10

  • 3 live 7  claim of 2 people

  • 3 peaceful christmas 7

  • 5 manifold predicts 6

  • 6 learning market dynamics 5

  • 9 hopeful early days - 4

  • 9 two ji 4 claim of 2

  • 9 hopeful 4

  • 11 pop star 2

  • 11 digitail 2

  • 13 most prized - 1

@Ernie Thanks for doing this, It was an interesting application of Manifolds usage with your added mathematical calculations. I would be intrigued how this could be applied in a similar way to other types of markets down the road.
Again, thanks!

@SirCryptomind Thanks! I have a couple markets now with horrifyingly complex implied calculations required to resolve. /Ernie/rosen-score-of-weird-thing-that-wil

Some of these are insane. I'm going to end up writing a game pgn parser to evaluate them. But that should be fun anyway.

resolving today, got to do some calculations

Will anyone be a scrooge??? The public wants to know

Can you remove hearts added by alts in the final score to remove manipulation?

@JamesFair definitely, if I can tell or am told which is which

This is myself and @Joshua recording @ManifoldLive.

@NcyRocks credit for 1 person identifiable

"There Are Two Ji-Hoon Kims" - N.C. Young

These are, of course, the well-known Manifold users Ji-Hoon Kim and Ji-Hoon Kim VERIFIED.

"Hopeful Early Days of LK-99" - Ernie

"Pop star wins award" - Pazzaz

(based on Time Person of the Year market)

@Pazzaz wow, I LOOOOVE the cranes in the background, too

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