Arxiv will have at least 10 papers mentioning LK-99 or LK99 in September 2023
resolved Oct 3

I will run an Arxiv search for papers published this mothin which mention "LK-99" or "LK99". If there are ever ten or more results for this term in September, 2023, then this market resolves YES

Right now there are no results.

Past results:

Results on arxiv advanced search for "LK-99" or "LK99"

  • From 2023-07-01 to 2023-08-01: 1 (the original paper)

  • From 2023-08-01 to 2023-09-01: 49

  • From 2023-09-01 to 2023-10-01: So far, zero as of 9/3

Exact search I am running:

This is visible at this URL:

If reasonable improvements to my search are revealed, we may have to NA this market, since the historical examples etc. may have been invalidated. Please comment if you think I am missing papers in how I am conducting this search.

I am aware I am possibly double-counting the last day of the month, although in this case it doesn't matter.

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predicted NO

@StrayClimb can we get a resolve?

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch thanks for the tag, resolved now.

Just searched and there was 4

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch Two of those are updates of August papers, so the actual count for this market is 2.

predicted YES
predicted YES
predicted YES

An interesting theory paper was posted on 2023-09-13, but to SSRN instead of arXiv.

Looks like one so far:

predicted YES

@EvanDaniel This is an update (only v3 is September) and not a new paper, and @StrayClimb clarified only new papers count. So still zero.

predicted NO

Update: Zero results on arxiv for sep 1-today Sep 7

I am a bit unhappy about search because for example I think from Sichuan Normal University should count "in spirit". It doesn't mention LK-99 in abstract but does in conclusion.

In summary, our theoretical investigation has unveiled the presence of flat bands and novel topological semimetal states in the LK-99 derivative.

But "LK-99 in abstract" is in fact unambiguous and people probably should bet taking false negatives into account.

predicted NO

@SanghyeonSeo Yes. it's hard to open the door to including this kind of paper - the border line can get arbitrarily fuzzy. I think the majority of "LK-99 is real" cases are still accompanied by a spike of papers mentioning the exact terms. It would be truly rare for "LK-99 YES" AND "Most new papers don't mention it"

@StrayClimb I assume updates to existing papers will count as long as the update is in September right?

predicted NO

@JoaoPedroSantos Hmm, what does everyone think? My initial view would be to only accept new papers. If the same lab has truly new data, wouldn't they typically produce a new paper rather than update an older one?