What % of the population of the US will be bicameral (by eye, horomone, and posture tests) by 2030?
resolved Dec 1

Long story. Watch Robocop. Notice who thought the idea up and who he chose as the lead actor.

Also read Yudkowsky on human evolution. Mystery solved. The great evil is thoracic extension.

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Resolved N/A as the market isn't clear on what would count.

Also thoroughly read the Robocop screenplay.
ED-209 is a chimp (you can only really vet this from the screenplay). Murphy an actual human (who becomes rightbrained due to Directive 4). Most of OCP execs are rightbrained. Boedicker is leftbrained.
Morton leans bicam. His shoulders are moe forward than other OCP execs.
So it's basically a story about human evolution.
Mkre a gorilla, actually, but the point stands.
My personal estimate is 25%.
Another good film to watch is Bulworth.
"He sleeps for 36 hours, during which the media speculates over his sudden absence leading up to election day." Yup.
Oh wow