What is the best way to organize a radical retirement polycule collective to ensure mutual support through the troubles?
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This is a serious question about how to create the conditions to survive and thrive in a future that is likely to get worse before it gets better and mutual support will be essential

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Assemble a well balanced team:

  • A Cook, who can also teach it to others. Armies don't walk on empty stomach, and so do post-collaspe polycules

  • A Healer, one who can deliver apocalypse-grade basic medical care (not to dependant on modern facility, prefer médecin sans frontière experience and/or history of medicine in the 20th century scholar)

  • A Paranoid Spook Type, that considered somewhat working for an intelligence agency but decided not to for ethical reason. You need a schemer that will outscheme even the scheme-eist of opps schemer.

  • A Reclaimer: the meakest debris of industrial civilization will become the luxuries of the new world - have someone who can fix stuff, is handy and DIY-minded.

  • An ex-Granola boy/girl that will have some experience bushcrafting or camping, preferentially even urbex-ing. You need someone that will know

  • A Farmer or Agronomist - rediscovering the basics of agriculture is possible but going to cost dearly in the first few years. Prefer the pre-bottled knowledge version.

Grab them all from a local hackerspace, pick a cool name, and live a little before those skills are put to the test.

My first thought is: don't.

My first thought but longer is: don't do that if you don't already have a very strongly-bound polycule, perhaps polyfidelitous (polyfaithful?), and then each member specializes in one or a few roles. Don't get into romantic relationships with people for transactional reasons like crisis survival.

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