Will Mathieu van der Poel place in the top 10 at each of RVV, PR, AGR, and LBL 2024?
resolved Apr 14

He has to start each race and finish in the top 5 in the final standings.

If one of the races does not happen, this resolves N/A.

If he fails to start a race, this will resolve No.

So far he has finished in the top 10 of every race he's started this year. These are the next four races on his calendar.

Ronde van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders)


Amstel Gold Race


These races are scheduled for each of the next four Sundays.

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Kind of comes down to "how likely is it that he gives up in one of these races". If he's in a group racing for 3rd, what kind of attitude/motivation will he have, etc.

I think given the scope of the whole situation, he's likely to play all these races purely to win and any other result is unimportant. He's not the kind of rider to just DNF, but he is the kind of rider who will consider attempting 'risky' moves to bring back a race situation that has gotten out of control.

RVV and Amstel seem 'straightforward' for him to top-10, but even the strongest rider can miss out on the top 10 at Roubaix with just a small bit of bad luck. Liege is going to depend a lot on how long he can hold his form (and possibly even if he starts it).

AGR โค

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