Will Queen Elizabeth II die before September 11th, 2022?
resolved Sep 8

Long live the Queen!?

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predicted NO
predicted NO

Lesson learned: don't try to arbitrage with limit orders on a market that might unpredictably resolve in the next hour.

bought Ṁ500 of YES

Time to crown the new King, Dr P.

predicted NO

@DrP Props on resolving this market quickly and accurately!

predicted YES

Why is this market so low?

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@DrP If I had to guess, it's either because there is a chance she dies right after sept 11 or because people underestimate how fast health can deteriorate at when the end comes.

bought Ṁ178 of YES


Queen Elizabeth II's doctors "are concerned" for her health and have recommended that the monarch remain under medical supervision, Buckingham Palace said in a statement on Thursday.

predicted NO

Created two related markets. One is a copy of DrP's market but a) not made by DrP, and b) with better specified resolution criteria - since we're talking about the next 2-3 days, timezone and the meaning of "before September 11" could matter (I think it clearly means by end of day September 10).

predicted NO

Why is this market so high?

predicted NO

@MP the good Doctor is inscrutable, and though he has yet to resolve a market incorrectly, his motives are unknown enough that people are somewhat cautious about committing too fully to a market he creates.

predicted NO

Especially if by inscrutible you mean incredibly trollish

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@LivInTheLookingGlass Get rekt bro!

sold Ṁ55 of NO

@MP I am still concerned by this market. Wast there enough information back then?

@MP I would bet that a market created by someone else would have looked quite different.

predicted YES

@jack Quit being a whiney little bitch.

@MP Building a large and diverse portfolio of longshot bets like this, and goading people into taking the other side, is a trading strategy that predates even equity markets, let alone futures markets. Venture capitalism is very popular these days!

@cos I agree and it could be a very clever strategy, but 15% for about a month is a bit on the high side if there weren't any specific health concerns in early August to raise the short-term probability (I'm not sure if there were or not). Metaculus was predicting median of about a year: https://www.metaculus.com/questions/3474/when-will-queen-elizabeth-ii-cease-to-be-queen-of-the-united-kingdom/. Which would imply (very roughly) 50% / 12 = 4% per month.

@jack Exactly, the 3-6% seemed right, but people were betting at 15%. WOW

predicted YES

@MP Yeah cuz of the big dick pampus... duh