Will we get into Y Combinator?
resolved Jan 19

@NicholasCharette73b6 and I are applying to Y Combinator for a fintech startup whose long-term aim is to automate away accountants. We're both 16; I currently work full-time building the financial and operations systems for a $10m nonprofit, and Nicholas has built a (pretty good!) programming language in his spare time. We're at the "idea and founding team" stage

We're applying late to Y Combinator for the upcoming cycle. Will we get in?

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predicted NO

Too bad!

Like @EdwardKmett mentioned, hopefully they gave you some constructive feedback about what you were doing.

Get some life experience, get some deep knowledge the field that you're working on and solving problems in then try again!

predicted NO

Better luck next round! I hope they gave you some constructive feedback!

bought Ṁ90 of NO

While I wish you the best of luck with this, having been involved in many startups over the years (mainly as a developer) it's the ability to have and execute on a clear product vision in a niche that needs filling which determines success over pure technical ability.

Also, 16, you have so much to learn about how business works still!

But, this is an excellent attitude so while I don't think you'll make this batch, I think you're approaching it 100% the right way.

Wishing you the best of luck, it's wonderful to see this level of ambition at such a young age!

Which aspects of accounting are you spearheading? What are you doing differently that will allow you to automate beyond what other accounting software already does?

Automation of accounting are one of the top performing ideas in my LLM startup spreadsheet. Large market cap, plenty of moat unlike other LLM ideas.

Is this market specifically for the Winter 2023 batch?

@derikk Yes.

Are there legal compliance issues that may come up and limit your growth?

predicted YES

@yaboi69 Eh, would be somewhat surprised (e.g. Wise has quite a bit of growth)

bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

What do you think improves or hurts your chances compared to typical applicants? How about compared to typical acceptees?

sold Ṁ125 of NO

@jack Hmm I don't actually have good individual things I can point at, just a bunch of "reading PG's essays and recognizing a lot of the characteristics he pointed at as positive in us".

bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

Base rate from https://www.ycombinator.com/investors is "Every 6 months over 10,000 companies apply to participate in our accelerator and we typically have a 1.5% - 2% acceptance rate."

predicted NO

I'll give founders who use prediction markets a bonus above the base rate :)