Will Isograph be adopted by at least one venture-funded startup in 2024?

Isograph is a new alternative to Relay and Apollo for React development. https://isograph.dev/

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Does it count if its a bootstrap startup, but it launches, or is venture-funded absolute?

@snarkyalyx Great point, that's a hole in this market. What do you think? I feel like if they choose isograph then get funding it actually meets all the criteria and resolves YES.

@DennisCahillane Does a good amount of revenue count as "funding" for you, considering it's an active stream of funds?

@snarkyalyx If it's up to me, then yes, I believe a successful, profitable bootstrapped startup using isograph counts as YES.

bought Ṁ71 of YES

@DennisCahillane Gotcha, then I'm optimistic.

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