Based on the technology here:
Ultrasonic pulse delivered from a non invasive helmet triggered a topor or hibernation response in rats.
What's the criteria for deciding what counts as hibernation? I'm assuming current methods of therapeutic hypothermia (for example: Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest | Johns Hopkins Medicine) don't count, but it seems like something similar is being triggered in the rats, just through ultrasound instead of direct cooling and medication.
@whenhaveiever a body core temperature drop of excess of 1 degree, metabolism reduced by 5% or higher.
@CromlynGames That's already achieved by therapeutic hypothermia, which apparently reduces cellular metabolism by 5-7% per degree Celsius, with typical temperature drops 3-5 degrees Celsius below normal.
@whenhaveiever mmm, but can't be tested ethically. This market is really about this ultrasonic method