I'll die someday.
This market resolves to YES if I prove to be mortal. Or at least if I die before the year 3000. My sense is that I'm going to be fine. I'm still quite young considering how long I've lived.
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Are you signed up for cryonics?

bought Ṁ30 of YES

@TimothyCurrie please add to Life Extension

predicts NO

@JimHays Can't, this is one of the markets that's bugged and can only be added to a list of 6 different groups.

bought Ṁ20 of YES
I hope we have a way of resolving abandoned markets before Y3K
bought Ṁ1 of NO
@Elena I've equipped a local tortoise friend with a small transponder. If I die I'll stop feeding the tortoise. When the tortoise dies from lack of food its transponder will stop emitting. If the transponder stops emitting, a solar powered raspberry pi equipped with browser automation technology will log into my account and resolve to YES. The only way this can ever go wrong is if any of the intermediate steps go wrong.
bought Ṁ20 of YES
Here's a market that no one would touch without the loan feature...
bought Ṁ1 of YES
What's your plan for resolving this market postmortem?