squishmallows are stuffed animals which appear harmless and cute and soft. however, given the large squishmallow donation last year, the squishmallows outnumber the humans at Proof School (although some were taken home by the humans and no longer live at Proof). this has raised concerns among some that the squishmallows may attempt to join forces and foment an uprising, which would be very concerning. will any evidence of this emerge by end of block (oct 10)?
I will be the arbiter of what constitutes evidence. it must be somewhat convincing and on a large scale to count. in order to remain impartial, I won't bet
pictured below: my squishmallow gravestone Felice
General policy for my markets: In the rare event of a conflict between my resolution criteria and the agreed-upon common-sense spirit of the market, I may resolve it according to the market's spirit or N/A, probably after discussion.