Will I be brave enough to try to greet Eliezer Yudkowsky at Manifest '24?
Jun 11

Oof. You know how it is, you just want to go up and say "Wow, your writing actually changed the world- thanks for caring" but you don't want be weird or start crying or waste the guy's time...

Resolves NO if I determine that I had a real opportunity to speak to him briefly and I did not.
Resolves YES if I determine that I made a true attempt, regardless of how successful I feel it was.
Resolves N/A if I determine that I did not have a real opportunity.

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you can do anything and everything, Clark! 🧡

How does this resolves in event he goes to talk to you ?

@Mich I admit I hadn't considered that! In the event he approaches first, I guess it'll have to depend on whether I actually express the sentiments I wanted to, or kind of freeze up and don't express them. So in that event it could still resolve YES or NO depending on me.

bought Ṁ15 NO from 84% to 75%
bought Ṁ15 NO

@Clark Thanks for the clarification. I think you can do this. Betting NO for extra motivation.

bought Ṁ50 YES

When you come up with a good way to say it lmk
Just bought tickets and saw your market, you should go for it

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