Part 1: Will a Mormon temple be announced in 2023?
resolved Apr 3

I messed up the question title (should have been "Will a Mormon temple in Mongolia..." so this market will instead resolve based on whether any Mormon temple will be announced in 2023 (not just in Mongolia).

Below is the previous description that is no longer applicable*

On January 5th, the Salt Lake Tribune published a series of predictions regarding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormon Church), stemming from data scientist Stephen Cranney. Like a good predictor, Cranney even provided exact percentages! Let's see whether Manifold agrees.

One of these predictions was the following:

A temple in Mongolia will be announced.

"Temple prognosticator Matt Martinich has been saying that for a while. Cranney puts that probability at 55%, pointing to church growth there and the push to reduce the distances members must travel to reach a temple. As for new proselytizing missions coming to neighboring China. Don’t bet on it. Cranney gives that only a 2% chance."

This market preferably resolves per reporting from the Salt Lake Tribune, though I reserve the right to resolve independently as necessary.

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