Trump fires campaign manager before election?
Dec 25

This market will resolve to "Yes" if it is announced that Chris LaCivita or Susie Wiles is fired or otherwise removed from their position as Campaign manager in the Trump campaign. Otherwise, this market will resolve to "No".

If an announcement on the firing of either individual is not made by November 4, 2024, 11:59 PM ET, this market will resolve to "No". Note that if either one is relegated to a lower position that isn't "Campaign manager", it will suffice to resolve this market to "Yes".

Note that an announcement before the end date will suffice to resolve this market to "Yes" regardless of when the departure takes effect. Voluntarily leaving or announcement of resignation also counts for this market to resolve to "Yes."

Confirmation should come from an official announcement made by the Trump Campaign, however a definitive consensus of credible media sources may be used.

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