Canal from the Pacific to the Atrato river by 2050?

The Atrato River in Colombia was considered as a location for a trans-isthmian canal, before the eventual construction of the Panama Canal.

This resolves YES if, at any time between now and the close date, there is a canal from the Pacific to the Atrato river.

A canal is any artificial waterway navigable by a boat of any size. The canal will have to connect the Pacific to any part of the river as highlighted in the image.

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i would assume for this to resolve YES the canal would have to be navigable by a proper ship and not just a ditch one can row a canoe through? Also would it have to be a seperate canal directly to the pacific or would a canal from the Rio Atrato to a sufficiently navigable part of the San Juan river be enough to resolve YES?

@sarius I think it's easier to resolve if I consider a canal to be any artificial waterway navigable by a boat of any size. The canal will have to connect the Pacific to any part of the river as highlighted in the image.