Infra-Bayesianism Stock (Permanent)
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No = Short
This is a permanent market and its duration will be lengthened as long as it's allowed. The aim is to sell your stock (see top right after you've made a bet) when you believe your side has over-corrected and buy in/short it again once it's over-corrected to the other side. Essentially, it's meant to function like a traditional stock market.

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What is the fundamental value of this stock?

bought Ṁ10 of BUY

@moyamo Infinite, surely! 😛

@BionicD0LPH1N Well, I'm sort of asking, like, what does this stock represent? And how is the value of this stock tied to it's representation?

predicts BUY

@moyamo Oh, I don’t really know, Manifold stocks are strange. How much people like an idea, maybe? How likely they think it will be relevant in the future, or something like that? It’s a bit of a nebulous thing to me. I’m not sure what you mean by your second question, can you reformulate? I don’t know the investment terms, if that’s one of them.

@BionicD0LPH1N Oh okay. I see. This is the first manifold stock I noticed. It's value is just what other people think it's value is.

predicts BUY

@moyamo Yes! 🤪 Well, there is nothing ‘*just*’ about it, it’s absolutely glorious!