Will long term markets that possibly never resolve be affected, a week after the pivot is announced?
resolved May 15

The incentives change a lot somehow. either because the loans are very different, or any other reason really. resolves to mods' opinion if ambiguous

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Could you clarify "affected?" Your own preamble suggests that they have already been affected, so would like to know a bit more about how you plan to measure "affected" before I bet

@GazDownright Sorry I didn’t see this. The end of loans and the addition of fees makes long term markets much much less profitable, whicj counts

Should I sell my long positions lol?

What if they are affected BEFORE the pivot?

@Eliza So if they changed before the pivot and the changes remain in place after the pivot will this be a Yes?

@Eliza yeah it counts if it's before the pivot. basically the requirement is "not too much after the pivot, but it can be before"

bought Ṁ250 YES

@Bayesian 👋 👍

@Eliza fascinating

@Bayesian wait semi sold so many positions that involve 2-4% returns over a few months, hm