Will existing mana be convertible to some real money currency, after the pivot?
May 14

If it is announced as part of the pivot, or implemented as part of the pivot, resolves YES. if it is not mentioned during the pivot, denied during the pivot announcement, or similar, such that we do not know it will be implemented as such when the pivot happens, resolves NO shortly after the pivot

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@Bayesian does betting on an event (which has already happened and you know how the market will resolve) count as converting mana to prize points?

Does this count? (It’s through another currency)

bought Ṁ125 YES

Suppose mana can be converted in currency X (via profits in a market/creator bonus), and currency X can be used to buy gift cards, how would this market resolve?

yeah i think not too, lion

eliza made it sound like he thought so, i am confused, that seems like a lot of mana for it to be converting to money

opened a Ṁ1,000 NO at 15% order

@Bayesian it's illegal. as easy as that [and Manifold is really far off]

but there is a 1k limit order on 15%, would make it 20k if someone really thinks that it will happen