Which movie will I prefer: Dune 2 or Oppenheimer?
resolved Mar 9
Dune 2

The market resolves to which movie I prefer, after watching both.

I've watched Oppenheimer and I loved it. But I also liked Dune 1 and expect Dune 2 to be better.

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Lol I was right

I watched Dune 2 tonight. twas very good and exciting, butttt Oppenheimer hit me much harder.
I liked the first 2/3rds a lot, loved the Fremen stuff much like i did reading the book, basically the speedy status climb for paul + exploration of lore is fun, but the ending was underwhelming to me, the sardaukar didn't really fight despite supposedly being the force that kept the emperor in power and wtv, the emperor was boringly victimful, and uh i didn't care for the harkonnen cousin's fight with paul. I don't precisely remember the book's ending so can't say if it's too different, but yeah that's what I got.

I’m assuming I can’t contest resolution? :)

@spider LOL you can try..

dune 259%

bought Ṁ10 Dune 2

I feel like Dune would never happen in our timeline. It's too unrealistic

@RanaG ignoring all of the superstitious stuff. The whole world is unrealistic

@RanaG true, but fwiw I don't mind unrealism in stories

@Bayesian idk the technology is also too inconsistent

@RanaG are you trying to convince me not to like it? 😅