Will Trump be charged by the DoJ by the end of 2022 for crimes related to removing documents from the White House to his home Mar-a-Lago?
resolved Jan 1

Aug 17, 12:29am: Will Trump be charged by the DoJ by the end of 2022 for removing classified documents from the White House to his home Mar-a-Lago? → Will Trump be charged by the DoJ by the end of 2022 for crimes related to removing classified documents from the White House to his home Mar-a-Lago?

Resolves YES if Trump is charged. Resolves NOif not.

Aug 8, 7:46pm: Will Trump be charged by the DoJ for removing classified documents from the White House to his home in Mar-a-Lago? → Will Trump be charged by the DoJ for removing classified documents from the White House to his home Mar-a-Lago?

Aug 8, 8:45pm: clarifying that it resolves NO if no charges by end of the year.

Sep 19, 11:08am: Removed 'classified' from question.

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predicted YES

This is happening November 9th at 6am.

predicted YES

@BTE ??

predicted YES

@belikewater I mean he is going to get arrested the morning after the election. The approach Trump has taken is to antagonize the DoJ. I am convinced he wants to be indicted because he thinks it would instantly make him the center of attention. Plus it will be too difficult to explain not charging him at this point.

predicted YES

@BTE I think he'll do - and is doing - everything in his power to prevent being indicted. But yeah, it could happen right after the election. Although that would be so obvious a miscarriage of justice that that's hard to picture, too. (Who else gets to wait until after an election to get arrested?) Otoh, I truly do not understand why he is currently walking free.

@BTE arrested the morning after the election? Seriously? Blue Anon running amok in this joint.

predicted YES

@BTE I would buy so much NO from you on him being indicted the nothing after. They'll at least give it a day for some implausible deniability.

predicted YES


predicted NO

@MartinRandall Well if you're not going to do it, I will:

predicted NO

@BTE Note the extremely generous terms: 48 whole hours of grace period!

predicted YES

@MartinRandall LMAO. You are probably right but I hope they do.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley I am already betting!!

predicted NO

@BTE Guess it didn't happen

predicted YES

@WieDan No, got until the end of the day today.

predicted YES

@WieDan Oh, haha, you mean my "morning of November 9th" claim. Yes I was wrong.

Looking more and more like a no.

predicted YES

@RobertBertrand Why is that??

@BTE there doesn't seem to be a "there" there.

predicted YES

@RobertBertrand This is a hilariously bad take. I guess trolls are welcome but your lack of an actual argument to back up your statement makes it clear you know it's inevitable. We are only talking about being indicted here, not convicted. It would be more damaging to the legal system NOT to indict him at this point. Don't worry though, Trump can still be elected even if he is in prison so no threat to your guy's political prospects I guess.

Donald Trump eating documents
bought Ṁ100 of YES

Again, @BTE, I'm counting on this resolving as "yes" if he's charged with crimes related to removing documents, not specifically classified documents.

predicted YES

@belikewater It will, classification status is not a factor. I will just strike it from the question because it is a distraction.

bought Ṁ1,500 of NO

Manifold needz to STOP warning me when I make large bets I KNO WHAT I AM DOING

predicted YES

@Spindle It actually stopped me outright on one market.

predicted NO

@BTE We aren't children, we are SERIOUZ INVEZTORS who DERIVE TRAUNCHES and ALLOCATE MARGINZ and fling PRETEND MONEY at each other

It's clear that nothing criminal actually happened now.

predicted NO


predicted YES

@RobertBertrand Yeah I wouldn’t say this is the case. The issue is the timing due to the special master assignment. There are thousands of documents and chains of custody to review here. No one is sure how long that will take.

@JimOtt Not really.