Will Saudi Arabia announce the yuan will be accepted as alternative to the US dollar for oil purchases by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves YES if Saudi Arabia announces they will accept Chinese Yuan as an alternative to the US Dollar to settle oil purchases by the end of 2023. Resolves NO if not.

While visiting Saudi Arabia in early December 2022 Xi Jinping called for this specifically at a summit of Arab leaders.

Dec 2, 11:52pm: Will Saudi Arabia announce the yuan will be accepted as alternative to the US dollar for oil purchases by the end of 2022? → Will Saudi Arabia announce the yuan will be accepted as alternative to the US dollar for oil purchases by the end of 2023?

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bought Ṁ115 of NO

Hasn’t happened yet

petrol yuan
bought Ṁ100 of NO

There's been no news on this for months, and the Yuan is weak currently.

This market should be decaying significantly, not the steady slight rise (unless I'm missing something).

predicted NO
Will Saudi Arabia announce the yuan will be accepted as alternative to the US dollar for oil purchases by the end of 2023?

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