Will Russia accept the prisoner swap proposed by Biden for Britney Griner?
resolved Sep 14
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predicted NO

Resolving this NO. Enough time has passed and I opt not to reopen.

predicted NO

I thought for sure Dennis Rodman was going to save her but I think he probably got scared he would end up in prison there too. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna44106

predicted NO

Lost track of closing time on this. Had intended to keep it open until there was definitive news either way. Is everyone okay with me opening it back up with a close date that will remain open until resolved by an event?

predicted NO

@BTE If they've not accepted so far then it seems unlikely they'll accept the initial offer. If they're still negotiating then the final deal is going to look different.

You could extend but please update market description and make it clear what would count as a definitive no.

predicted NO

@BTE Agree, if reopening with the possibility of YES resolution down the line, need to clearly state in description what counts as no (I would assume any deal other than the specific 2:1 trade described in the USA Today story aka Bout for Whelan and Griner would be a NO).

It would also be useful to note specifically if there's an expiration on the market. Say if it isn't by the end of Biden's term or something like that.

sold Ṁ57 of YES
@BTE can you answer Jack's question below about resolution criteria?
I assume this resolves NO if they reject this proposed swap and agree to a different one, e.g. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/29/politics/griner-whelan-russia-murderer-request/index.html - is that right?
predicted NO
@jack yes that’s correct.

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