Will Putin leave Russia again during 2023?
resolved Oct 12

Resolves YES if video evidence that Putin attended a meeting or event in non-Russian controlled territory by the end of 2023.

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predicted NO


predicted NO

@BTE I'm surprised. Maybe he will go by train.

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

Today, presidential spokesman Peskov announced that Putin has several foreign trips lined up for this fall.

predicted NO

@PS They have been saying this for months. The only trip that seems more likely than not is one to China, but the Chinese are in an increasingly difficult spot at home and might not be prioritizing him anymore.

predicted YES

@BTE Who's "they"?

bought Ṁ110 of NO

@PS peskov and affiliates

predicted YES

@LeonardoKr I'd appreciate any specifics. I only recall Russian media touting a probable visit to China in October (which might still happen), but I might have missed or forgot more, of course.

predicted NO

@PS the August turkey visit, the BRICS summit

predicted YES

@LeonardoKr I don't recall Russia announcing Putin would do either, nothing more than "we'll see"...

predicted NO

@PS But that is basically what the article you posted at the start of this thread says too.

predicted YES

@BTE I consider this to be much stronger than anything I remember previously - "plans to" vs. "we'll see" (or, more often, "doesn't plan to"). But that's what prediction markets are for - to find out whose interpretation is right :)

predicted NO
predicted YES

@BTE I don't see Russian officials saying Putin planned to attend Brics or G20 in either of the articles.

predicted NO

He has clones. How to evaluate if the real Putin visited?

sold Ṁ42 of YES

Visit could be postponed to after August. This market and the other one are too close.

predicted YES

@BTE Why did you like my comment and then bet this market below the other one? Imo this market should be a lot higher than the other one

bought Ṁ800 of YES

It's possible that the visit happens after August.

bought Ṁ150 of YES

@nickten Why are you betting NO on Putin visiting turkey in August but YES on this? Do you think it will be postponed to after August?

sold Ṁ177 of YES

@ShadowyZephyr simple arbitrage + this market should be a bit higher

predicted YES

@nickten How is it simple arbitrage. If Putin's only planned to leave once, for the meeting with Turkey, these markets should be about the same price.

And why do you think that meeting might not happen?

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr i have no idea if this meeting will happen nor do i care, i win no matter what

predicted YES

@nickten how so?

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr because the other market often goes above this one and i buy that down and this up. as i said - simple arbitrage

predicted YES

isn't it a very low expected profit though, if one cashes out and the other does not? you're putting a lot of mana in.

I was wondering why you were buying so much NO in the other market though, I wasn't aware of this one until now.

sold Ṁ61 of YES

@ShadowyZephyr meh, i have like 1.3k in these, get 350 on No and a 100 on Yes

do you have better guaranteed profit markets?

predicted YES

@nickten fair enough. this was crazy low before

bought Ṁ24 of YES

@ShadowyZephyr if i had to bet i would bet no. it's very risky for the Tsar to travel now, might not be allowed to come back hehehe

i guess i'm getting more on No anyways so...

predicted YES

@nickten hmhm interesting, but he is not banned from turkey like he is from south africa, turkey is not in the ICC. and both russia and turkey seem to be cooperative here.

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr oh no, not from turkey side. i mean someone else might crown himself the new Tsar while putin is travelling

predicted YES

@nickten putin won't lose control of the country

predicted YES

@nickten if he's not re-elected it'll be because he's too old or he dies. saying he was close to losing control of the country because 1 general turned against him (and failed even to get to his capital city before giving up) is like saying the united states almost collapsed during jan 6.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@ShadowyZephyr Surviving a failed insurrection in exile is not losing. Having to make a deal with failed insurrectionists to save face is losing. Putin is losing control compared to at least his previous domination of the country. See right before the Ukrainian invasion for all the evidence you need that he is not as powerful as he was then.

predicted YES

@BTE Maybe he isn't as powerful as he was before, but as long as he has an unwavering 70% popular support and people on his side he will be the ruler of the country.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr He was above 90 before the invasion!!!

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr Russia ain’t a democracy my dude. Never has been. People aren’t choosing Putin, oligarchs allow him to keep his power. That will change not by popular opinion but by betrayal.

predicted YES

@BTE Russia isn't really a democracy, but popular support is part of what keeps him powerful though. It's hard to lead a rebellion when no one wants to join it.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr Tell that to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara my man.

predicted YES

@BTE A lot of people supported them though. And the situation in Russia is a bit different. It may not be a democracy but the fact that Putin has always had such a high approval rating does give him power.

I don't think one guy betraying him for unknown reasons is going to change all of it. It was a blow to Putin that he had to negotiate for peace, but I think people are overexaggerating the repercussions it will have.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr I don’t think people are supporting Putin as much as they are just patriotic Russians.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr If it was one guy it wouldn’t have gone down like it did. And people love Prigozhin too from what I understand.

predicted YES

@BTE That's part of the reason why Putin couldn't just imprison him - Prigozhin's guys were loyal to him so Putin wasn't able to have him replaced, and Putin needs Wagner forces. That doesn't mean that Putin's regime is crumbling.

Although he has lost some power.

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