Will Mark Cuban run for president in 2024?
resolved Jan 19

Resolves YES if he announces and files paperwork that he is running for President of the United States. Resolves NO if not.

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What prompted the resolution?

predicted NO

@PeterShoemaker Too late to file now.

how does it resolve if he is a VP?

bought Ṁ119 of NO

@PeterShoemaker Who is president of USA? If first thing coming to you is Kamala then I don't know what I can be telling you!

@Mirek haha fair enough - my guess is her uns and then becomes a VP but as soon as he files paperwork this resolves so that's a non-issue.

predicted NO

predicted YES

Running mate perhaps a more likely possibility?

bought Ṁ50 of YES
bought Ṁ381 NO
bought Ṁ50 of NO

@JacquesThibs He said he wants to spend more time with family and running for president will not help with that.

bought Ṁ1 of YES

@JacquesThibs I see the pattern, but what would that even look like? It's too late to try to get on-stage for the republican debates, and there's not a real democratic primary. So what, an independent run which is basically a self-financed speaking tour? Would he actually try to get on the ballot? Does he care about being a spoiler? Or would he try to be libertarian nominee?

predicted YES

@Predictor Did not see this, source?

predicted YES

@Predictor I looked for a source, but so far only found this comment from 2022: