Will Top Gun: Maverick be the highest grossing film of 2022?
resolved Jan 6

This question resolves YES if no film released in 2022 receives a higher worldwide box office gross than Top Gun: Maverick.

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predicted NO
predicted YES

@dominic Just because a movie is released in 2022 doesn't mean all its earnings are made in that year.

predicted NO

@EzraSchott read the bottom comment.

predicted NO

@EzraSchott Sure, but given that Avatar is around 30 million ahead, and Top Gun is out of theaters, it seems like that's enough to resolve it now.

Obviously the highest grossing movie of 2022 was Bones and All...

Only real contenders are Black Panther 2 and Avatar: Way of Water.

predicted YES

@LachlanMunro I guess we'll see soon.

predicted YES

This is a bit of deceptive bait-and-switch title (buried in a close date that probably didn’t move, but maybe did)

predicted YES

Assuming close date is a typo (box office receipts come in pretty fast), should hold.

predicted YES

@Gigacasting It can be resolved early, just wanted plenty of time just in case. It won't end December 31 because a movie released in 2022 that gets a higher box office gross in 2023 still counts.