Will escaped murderer Danelo Souza Cavalcante elude capture for another week?
resolved Sep 13

Resolves YES if police do not capture the escapee by the end of this week.

Cavalcante, 34, escaped from the Chester County Prison while awaiting transfer to state prison on Aug. 31 after being sentenced to life for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in 2021.

Cavalcante scaled a wall by crab-walking up from the recreation yard, climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground. His escape went undetected for more than an hour until guards took a headcount.


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predicted NO

@AviS i wonder where/how they eventually got him

predicted NO

probably shouldn't bet against US police wasting absurd amounts of taxpayer dollars while being completely ineffective, but evading 4 aircraft with FLIR and like 500 officers for 4 more days seems like it would be basically impossible

https://twitter.com/DannyEFreeman/status/1701684147268272302 like cmon they got the damn mraps out now

Limit order for the next 3 minutes if anyone wants to fill it.

@DanMan314 busted website

@brubsby Lol it expired but didn't disappear for some reason

I just put it up again. I'll take it down in a few minutes if it's not filled, I don't want it to only get filled if he's already captured.

@brubsby got another one up for you at 20%.

predicted NO

@DanMan314 Bro contacted his coworkers. The reward is low, but people are cooperating. He is desparate and has no support, he won't last long

"Resolves NO if police do not capture the escapee by the end of this week."

In contradiction to the title question, which is "Will escaped murderer Danelo Souza Cavalcante elude capture for another week?", which implies YES if they do not capture him.

@DavidBolin Fixed, I’m tired…