Will Scott Alexander publish his Manifest writeup on a Monday?
resolved Oct 31

Scott has mentioned working on a piece about the Manifest conference, will this come out Monday in PT?

EDIT Oct 1: This market resolves YES if it comes out on any Monday in Pacific Time, not necessarily Oct 2nd. I mostly created this market because I'm curious if he'll title it Manifest Monday or Mantic Monday: Manifest Mode or sth

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bought Ṁ500 of YES

@Austin resolves!

predicted YES

@Austin N/A if he doesn’t post at all?

predicted NO

@oh Sure, I will N/A if he doesn't post at all. Though I'll extend the timeline for doing so to the end of the year

predicted NO

And yeah, will N/A this if he doesn't post by end of 2023.

bought Ṁ35 of NO

Thought he was waiting on the videos

@JamesGrugett I don't think he's blocking on videos; he just made a request to get the videos at roughly the same time as mentioning his writeup.

Also it's possible he'll post in not this Monday but the following

predicted NO

@Austin Oh, I thought the question meant this Monday. Looking at the history, the question did say "a Monday" originally -- I guess missed that.

Next Monday seems likely