Manifest Trading Bootcamp refers to the two-day course on trading Ricki ran at Manifest Summer Camp 2024
I have already completed Manifest Trading Bootcamp
I will apply some leeway in determining what counts as a "quant trader" as different organizations use terminology differently. The general intent is "at a firm that mainly makes trades on a timescale of <1 week, in a role primarily responsible for making trading models" but feel free to ask for clarification/edge cases in the comments.
My background is software engineering; I have no prior experience in trading but really enjoyed the bootcamp and am interested in pivoting
Edit 2024-07-17: I wrote a blog post about the bootcamp! http://arizerner.com/posts/manifesting-a-trading-career/
Would you need to have a trader or quant researcher role or would a standard SWE role at a quant shop count too?