Will I call insurance about HRT and schedule blood draw testing by 4/2/22
resolved Apr 8
Resolves YES if I call insurance to make sure it covers hormone testing and then, assuming it does, schedule a blood draw, both by 11:59pm Pacific on 4/2. Resolves NO if I fail to do so due to procrastination / phone call anxiety. Resolves N/A if there’s some other unexpected obstacle. I have been putting this off for months, but haven’t tried any sort of commitment mechanism to do it in the immediate future. I mostly expect this to work, since I think most of the issue was the fact that I could always do it some other time without it mattering much. Close date updated to 2022-04-09 11:59 pm
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bought Ṁ1 of YES
I am calling this for N/A: they want more lab work to be done six weeks after I start, but I'll be off campus and out of state by then. I'll need to find a clinic elsewhere over the summer, probably.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
I called insurance yesterday and they said they needed information from my doctor, and my doctor hasn't sent me that information yet. The insurance office is now closed until Monday. By the resolution criteria I laid out this should probably just resolve N/A but I think it makes sense to just extend the deadline; my original criteria weren't particularly thought through. If anyone objects to this change I'm fine just resolving it N/A, though.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
i am still going to resolve this YES if i end up resolving the situation by email rather than phone call
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Phone call anxiety still bad, tried sending an email but if that doesn't get results by the end of the day I'll do a phone call tomorrow right after lunch.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
Do it!
bought Ṁ1 of YES
if insurance doesn’t cover it i’ll resolve N/A if it’s too expensive to pay for myself (without wanting to save more or anything) and YES if it’s cheap enough that i decide to just pay for it.
bought Ṁ7 of NO
Do it. Take my mana.
bought Ṁ20 of NO
What if you do call BUT the insurance doesn't cover it?