resolved Jan 1
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Why is this so low? People don't just die. Especially not perversly rich middle aged oligarchs with executive political functions.

predicted YES

@PS Interesting, but these aren't the kinds of sources I would attribute a high degree of confidence to all things considered.

predicted YES

@Symmetry That was my initial reaction as well. I've updated a bit towards actual health problems since the reaction by Kadyrov/the Kremlin wasn't really very convincing...

predicted YES

@PS He doesn't look healthy, I'll concede that. But still, people who can still walk around (generally) don't just die.

predicted YES

@Symmetry I think there were doubts voiced as to the date the video was made. Again, not sure how valid those are.

predicted NO

@Symmetry There is an argument that Kadyrov is currently in ICU in Moscow