It resolves as yes if any branch of Google (calender, maps, etc) has an April Fool's Day joke that was not previously used. Otherwise, it resolves as no.
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I brought this market to the moderator discussion zone to see if 3 out of 3 mods unanimously agreed on the resolution, following the community guidelines for situations where:
[x] Close date has been reached
[x] Creator is inactive
[x] Resolution is ambiguous
[x] Reopening the market is not going to fix the situation
[x] Creator was pinged and no response after a long time
I got responses from myself, @EvanDaniel , and @Conflux and we all agreed that resolving No would be appropriate. Since we unanimously agreed, the resolution is No.
If anyone is wondering about my reasoning, it is this:
At first I was leaning YES, since they did do something for April Fools, even minor, but to me it comes down to the fact that the market is whether they “bring back” their April Fools “jokes,” and this seems to me a different entity. So I voted NO. It’s an Easter egg, not a joke!
@Lion @mattyb It seems quite unclear to me whether this is a "joke," but given the absentee creator, I guess my weak inclination is to resolve YES because it's (i) related to April Fool's, (ii) superfluous and deliberate, (iii) while subtle and probably better described as an Easter egg than joke (if we had to pick only one label), it's not vastly more subtle than things Google did in the past. Does that seem reasonable? Any counterarguments I'm missing?
I personally agree (and I'm a NO-holder, lol, just want to have this resolved and off my unresolved market list), but I also understand that it might be considered a bit of a non-obvious or edge case. I don’t have any arguments beyond those below, and they convince me to support a YES resolution. However, my opinion doesn’t carry much weight. If you're uncertain, maybe you can start a mod-panel with 3 votes from mods.
Idk, I think the spirit of the question is a no. but it is an april fools easter egg
@mattyb yeah, I'm not sure if it counts so I've not bet a lot.
The Easter Egg was released for April Fools, and comparing what it does to what's listed on Wikipedia it's not too dissimilar. Strictly, some of what is listed on Wikipedia could also be categorised as easter eggs rather than jokes but I'll leave the line up to @AnneMundy.
@qqii the egg is fun, but it wasn't released for April Fools. Chrome v123 was released mid March. Not to mention it's clearly an Easter reference, not a prank/joke.
@DanHomerick the release notes says
To celebrate this year's April Fools' Day
I've also found the source commit, which contains this line:
const isAprilFools = (month === 4 && day === 1) || true; // TODO: show only on April fools
They made good on the TODO in this commit, with the code becoming
const isAprilFools = (month === 4 && (day === 1 || day === 2)); // Show only on April fools and the next day
short-fuse, this begins in a few hours [26 where I’m at]!