Will the Starship successfully execute a controlled re-entry during its fourth flight test?
Jun 30

Will be resolved after official confirmation of SpaceX. It resolves to true for a controlled re-entry of booster even if there is not a precise landing.

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Would you count IFT3's booster reentry as successful?

@Mqrius No it was not a successful re-entry

@AnjanPoudel5d85 Can you say why not? I'm trying to figure out what situations this market would resolve Yes or No

@AnjanPoudel5d85 Would also like clarification on this point - does it need to make it to touchdown? Or does it need to successfully relight the engines for the landing burn? Or is it based on whether it can maintain attitude control during re-entry? There's a lot of ways this question could be interpreted.

sold Ṁ10 NO

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