Will this question reach 99.5% at any point?
resolved Feb 20

This question resolves to YES if the price for YES on this question is greater than or equal to 100% at any point ON THE PRICE HISTORY GRAPH.
Note: when the price is at 99.5% or larger, it would be displayed as 100% on the price history graph.

Resolves to NO if 99.5% was not reached before market closed

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bought Ṁ1,000 YES

@jacksonpolack You’re welcome


opened a Ṁ1 NO at 99.0% order

@DottedCalculator oh i got it to work with a limit order

bought Ṁ1 YES

@DottedCalculator why would you buy NO? it literally was just guaranteed to resolve YES

opened a Ṁ1 NO at 50% order

I don't care about 1 mana. This market seems a little glitched though

bought Ṁ120,000 YES

resolves yes

btw if there are any yes holders above 80 shares this resolves no

@jacksonpolack Why? I don't see anything in the description that would say that.

@Pykess jackson polack is telling the Yes holders how he would act base on the Yes holder's action

bought Ṁ19 YES

@jacksonpolack i made it 75 shares

Loving the game-theory here

opened a Ṁ20 NO at 99.0% order

now this is what I wanted to see