If he does, please provide evidence (link, or some verifiable evidence)
"I'm sorry we got rid of the seats but..."
- Donald Trump, Jan 22, 2024
"“Yes. I’m so sorry.” I said, “Well, that’s okay."
- Donald Trump, July 22, 2024 (Quoting himself)
"Oh, I’m sorry, but I think my hand may be broken. He’s a tough cookie."
- Donald Trump, July 1, 2024
With that in mind:
Trump on August 10 2020:
So I want to thank you all. I’m sorry for the disturbance before. Things happen. And if you’d like, we could take a few questions. Yeah.
Another on January 15 2019:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jim. (Applause.) Thank you, Jim. And I’m sorry for your problems, but we’ll get it straightened out.
And another reported on January 15 2019:
Anybody have a new dishwasher? I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for that, it's worthless. They give you so little water. You ever see it? Air comes out. So little water.
Thus far we have an apology for Jim’s problems, new dishwashers, and the interruption from the SS shooting someone outside the White House.