50 mana for every good suggestion that I don't think I would have counterfactually implemented.
I have already done the following:
Informed people I have interacted with
Started Paxlovid
Got my vitals taken by a nurse
Bought at-home test kits
Emailed to move one job interview
Canceled social meetings
Bought a lot of bottled water
Created multiple manifold markets about my COVID
Plan to test daily with Antigen self tests
See also:
I'm sorry to hear that you have contracted COVID. Here are some additional steps you can consider:
If you experience severe symptoms or your condition worsens, seek medical attention immediately.
Rest and take care of yourself: Getting adequate rest, staying hydrated, and eating nutritious foods can support your immune system during recovery. (Broth-based soups with vegetables and meat, easily chewable and digestible soft foods, and a touch of sweetness can make you feel better.)
While you still have the energy, it's a good idea to prepare some semi-prepared meals in advance and store them in the refrigerator. That way, when you're feeling tired and don't want to cook, you can easily grab something to eat with just a touch.
Stay connected virtually: While social meetings have been canceled, it's important to stay connected with loved ones virtually.
It is unnecessary to undergo antigen testing every day, as it may make you feel uncomfortable and annoyed. It is sufficient to perform the test only when symptoms start to improve. Then, when the antigen test is negative, continue testing for three consecutive days. If all three tests come back negative, it indicates that you have recovered from the illness.
An air purifier would also be useful.