Will Al Quinn walk 120,000 steps in a single 24 hour period by the end of 2024?
resolved Mar 30

I will track steps with a step counter (free app called "Step Counter - Pedometer" which probably installed malware on my phone) and expect this will be around 56-60 miles of walking. I plan on attempting this on a treadmill* (I bought this one in January).

Progress updates on activity + intermediate goals/milestones are available in a google sheet . Activity since Jan 1st is logged in there and I will try to keep that reasonably up-to-date. As noted in the google sheet, I have a provisional target completion date of Saturday March 30th (Why? Because I live in a Catholic area and we get Good Friday off).

*[updated with new info on 2/24]

One notable issue with the treadmill is it is visibly inclined in the "0" (non-inclined) position, which I validated by making some measurements (see google sheet for details). The incline is ~3.7%, which would mean that I would be ascending ~11,300(!) feet during the challenge if I leave it as-is . Others have done their challenges outside, which would naturally include some gain/loss, but probably nothing close to this much. I have been doing trial walks mostly at that default 3.7% default grade, but plan on nearly leveling the treadmill prior to the actual 120K challenge (I will err on the side of leaving a +grade of 0.1-0.2% so it isn't unfair).

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Congrats! Impressive walking and consistency throughout the hours

@dominic thanks, always been OK at endurance stuff but this was really hard, particularly from 80-100k.

If anyone wants more proof I take a picture of my feet, but NSFW

@AlQuinn LOL, I'd be interested to see the feet pic. I'm curious how they compare to the worst condition my feet have been in from one time I ran across the Grand Canyon wearing cheap sneakers and dress socks (I got blisters within a mile of running down but didn't stop).

@WilliamKiely oh sorry didn't see someone would take me up on it! I think the window for dramatic pictures may have lapsed by now. 😭

They actually didn't look as bad as they felt once I washed the sock lint off, but they were discolored red on the side and tops just from contact with my socks. The redness was mostly gone after 18 hours. A lot of the actual pain was evidently strained/tired ligaments or something like that.

The blisters on the bottom of my feet healed really fast. Completely gone in 12 hours. I just have one medium blister left on my second toe and another small one on my big toe on my left foot.

Like I mention below, I have never been prone to blisters, and overall, have tough feet (maybe because I grew up running around barefoot outside). The day before I climbed Mt. Whitney as a day hike, I got into an impromptu footrace with my friend in the parking lot of the hotel we were at. I won it barefoot against him (who was wearing shoes), but shredded the bottom of my feet on the asphalt. The next day, they were fine and I did the hike.

Oh amazing! I misinterpreted your earlier comment - I thought you were doing another 99min and then calling it for the day. GOOD WORK!!

@shankypanky oh sorry, I'm too tired to be clear, I'm afraid.

@AlQuinn totally understandable haha - go relax and don't use your legs 😂

Yeah I'm going to be so stiff 😞

bought Ṁ2,500 YES


By hour


This is amazing. I'm going all in on YES, let's go, you got this

@firstuserhere I think that's the sort of thing I don't want to do ever again, but all that counts is I made it

Home stretch; 45-50 more minutes. Gonna put on some Lingua Ignota so I don't fall asleep walking 😴

@AlQuinn 114k, this is so impressive, man

@AlQuinn and you've been doing this nonstop? I see its 3:58, that's freaking amazing

bought Ṁ100 YES

Go, Al, go!

@kenmichaels holy hell, I felt much better last time I did 12 hours. Allergies I think, plus I have blisters, though they don't hurt much. Gonna do one more 99 minute run after taking an aspirin, which hopefully improves morale.