Will Destiny participant & complete another DnD campaign by August 7th 2024?
Aug 8

Destiny seems to enjoy dnd, and said he would do another campaign if done right. A campaign is considered at least 3 separate sessions that last around 45 mins.

Mar 14, 2:47pm: Will Destiny start & complete another DnD campaign by August 7th? → Will Destiny participant & complete another DnD campaign by August 7th?

Mar 14, 2:59pm: Will Destiny participant & complete another DnD campaign by August 7th? → Will Destiny participant & complete another DnD campaign by August 7th 2024?

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Start AND Complete by August 7th? AintNoWay

@ManualBlinking How long does a campaign usually last?

@AMONRA At least 2 years

@PunishedFurry Woah, assumed it was like a couple months