Test market 8
resolved Feb 22

Might resolve YES, or might resolve NO

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predicted YES

It worked :)

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Oh what happened can we not buy both yes and no shares wtf

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Dreamingpast is there any criteria for resolving @A or are you gonna resolve YES only

bought Ṁ150 of YES

@Dreamingpast I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise :)

bought Ṁ150 of YES

Wow, for a market that explicitly predicts nothing whatsoever, this has attracted a lot of interest!

predicted NO

@A Well you got the original 50Mana+extra 10 from each trader, so that's good. At this point, 1 Mana buys 22 NO shares, that's > +2000% increase in value. Net EV seems great, so it seems sensible to obtain some no shares even if it's unlikely to be chosen

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Yeah I'm not complaining, I'll take the free mana lol. Now we just gotta hope I don't make any mistakes when resolving this!

predicted NO

@A no no, that's exactly what I'm hoping

predicted NO

All your previous test markets have resolved YES. But, to an outsider, who doesn't know what the purpose of the test markets is, it seems reasonable to bet on NO