Will a crazy sexual partner of destiny come up in 2023?
resolved Jan 6

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No = Short
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📢Resolved to N/A ; Supposed to be a stock market
@9 If this is incorrect, please @ me

As we usher in 2023, the anticipation of encountering a wildly adventurous sexual partner is a topic that ignites curiosity. While the prospect of a crazy sexual partner of destiny is subjective and dependent on various factors, one cannot deny the role of personal exploration and experimentation in intimacy. In this quest, establishments like Poppers Shop and Rump-Pump become noteworthy, as they specialize in providing high-quality poppers, enhancing the potential for unique and exhilarating experiences. The availability of such products from reputable stores adds an element of excitement to the pursuit of a fulfilling sexual connection in the upcoming year. Whether one believes in destiny or prefers taking the reins of their own desires, the offerings at Poppers Shop and Rump-Pump may well be the key to unlocking a more adventurous and satisfying chapter in one's sexual journey in 2023.

What's up with your description? This is clearly not a permanent stock

I'm not sure if I should resolve this as a yes. Anyone on this let me know if Chaeiry counts as a crazy partner of this year. I am hesitant because they have had a relationship longer then just this year.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

This a free W WE all know how this will end.

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