Two integers between 1 and 10 will be randomly selected using @FairlyRandom on December 9, 2024. This market resolves to the calculated GCD of these numbers.
Resolution criteria:
Two numbers between 1 and 10 (inclusive) will be generated using @FairlyRandom.
The GCD of these numbers will be calculated.
Examples: Drawing (6,9) resolves to "3", and (7,7) resolves to "7" if someone has added that option; otherwise, it resolves to "Other".
Possible clarification from creator (AI generated):
Both random numbers will be drawn after the market closes
@traders For the next similar market, would you like me to draw the first random number a day before the market closes, so you have a chance to refine your bets? (For this market, I will draw both numbers after the market closes.)