In case there is no information for a long period of time, will close in the Summer of 2025. Answers with no new information will be N/A’ed in order to not tie up mana indefinitely.
Update 2024-16-12 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): - Resolution will be based on official sources
Multiple different explanations/sources can be considered true simultaneously
Resolution will wait for information to be properly verified and sorted through
It's an erotic invasion 😂
@JesWolfe are commercial jets themselves "designed to look like a commercial jet" or is this only true if they are other objects designed to masquerade as jets
@Mana how large is "large"? https://companiesmarketcap.com puts the largest one, Delta, at #510 in the world.
Do the counting props count each other? Can I resist asking “will three or more statements that don’t count themselves resolve yes?” This is heady stuff.
@HastingsGreer I'm out of mana, but I'd like to add something like "more options before the alphabetically median one resolve YES than after it"
One for the "startup" camp, albeit grounded.
@lxgr A Ga-68 pin source was lost in shipment on December 2nd in New Jersey: https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/event/2024/20241213en.html
There are possible parallels to a case in 2023 in Australia, where a Caesium-137 source was lost and recovered via vehicle-mounted detection equipment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Australian_radioactive_capsule_incident
@4fa honestly no clue because there could be some drones that use cellular networks and some that don't...
@benshindel That's a problem for ~all props here: Since the majority of drones (or "drones") seen/reported by people are probably not the drones they're looking for, it's unclear if these will be included for prop resolution or not.
In other words, do the props need to be true for at least one, the majority, all, or a specific subset of all drones?
@lxgr Yeah this is a major problem with determining truth here. It comes down to what set of items "official sources" decide are "the mystery drones flying over New Jersey".
The FBI is "investigating" it.