Will Llama 3 405B be open sourced
resolved Jul 31

A model known as Llama 3 which has 405 billion parameters is rumored to be coming from Meta this summer (July or August). Will its weights be available via a permissive open source liscence? Resolves to yes if the liscence is approximately the same as llama 3 70b or llama 3 8b. Yes if a normal person with a bunch of gpus can run it after filling out a form.

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Closing today!

opened a Ṁ100 YES at 89% order

I got limit orders at 89% and 80%

Resolves to yes if the liscence is approximately the same as llama 3 70b or llama 3 8b {includes commercial use}

I think it might be better if it didn't include this (includes commercial use) part? But if you want to include that you might want to put it in the title

@jacksonpolack I see what you mean. There is a difference between the average person’s definition of OSS and a startup’s definition. I think I will remove the commercial use part. I want it to resolve yes if a person with a bunch of gpus can run it on their own.

what is the resolution time?

@FedorShabashev I will resolve it by end of year 2024