Will I make a spreadsheet to calibrate my predictions on manifold by 2/28/2023
resolved Mar 1

Resolves to yes if I am able to make a spreadsheet that uses javascipt + web app stuff to automatically scrape my predictions on manifold, put them in catagories, and see where I am not calibrated

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predicted NO

I really disagree with how this market was resolved

predicted YES

Very tricky business to run around here I see

@ian You* run

predicted YES

@ian I understand people are unhappy with how i resolved this market. Here is some free money to show I am acting in good faith: https://manifold.markets/tessabarton/will-i-get-a-bikini-body-before-sum

@tessabarton Like I’m gonna fall for that one 😉

@tessabarton Jus kidding, glad you got the calibration in! I’m a big fan of SG’s new experimental calibration chart at https://manifold.markets/tessabarton/calibration

predicted YES

@ian who is sg? this is cool!

predicted YES

Notice to traders. Still no movement on the web app front.

@tessabarton It seems going down the drain, what's the status now?

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@kitkatmarty It ended up being very easy!

import requests

response = requests.get('https://manifold.markets/api/v0/group/tesstgruppe')
j = response.json()
id_ = j['id']

response = requests.get(f'https://manifold.markets/api/v0/group/by-id/{id_}/markets')
lis = response.json()
output = []
for l in lis:
    q = l['quesion']
with open('test_csv.csv', 'w+') as c:

@tessabarton Ahahaha you a troll gg

@tessabarton Where categorization?

predicted YES

@kitkatmarty at the group level

@tessabarton Yes I saw it but I don't get what are the different categories:(

predicted YES

@69 basically different groups i put things in will be different categories. Look here is some free money: https://manifold.markets/tessabarton/will-i-get-a-bikini-body-before-sum

predicted YES

Notice to traders: it hasn't happened yet.