Will I reduce my body weight 10 pounds before 3/4/23 ?
resolved Mar 4

I would like get in shape for summer and to lose 10 lbs between 2/4/23 and 3/4/23. I currently weigh 131 lbs. This market resolves to yes if I weigh <121 pounds by v*begala, a fancy event in Berkeley. I will post updates of weights in comments.

Feb 4, 8:20pm: Will I get a bikini body before summer (3/4/23 )? → Will I reduce my body mass before summer (3/4/23 )?

Feb 4, 11:32pm: Will I reduce my body mass before summer (3/4/23 )? → Will I reduce my body weight 10 pounds before 3/4/23 ?

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predicted YES

If i was a bad person i would say this is in USA date format

predicted NO

@tessabarton You still won't have lost 10# be real

predicted YES

Traders, I am 132 lbs today. I might need to amputate my hand

predicted YES

Dearest traders I am 131 pounds today

predicted YES

Traders I am 131 lbs

@tessabarton and you would need to be <121 lbs by Saturday, for this to resolve to YES, right?

predicted YES

@R2D2 affirmative

bought Ṁ0 of NO

Got it. I hope I don't sound like a jerk if I bought NO. There's still plenty of time before summer anyway 🙂