Would you rather your child become a Furry or a Brony?
resolved Apr 29
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Poll closed early?

@CollectedOverSpread this poll was for the market, when it became obvious i resolved it . i can reopen the poll for fun though!

@strutheo oh maybe not anymore, they stop that power. if @Joshua can extend it by a few weeks that would be fun

Huh weird that polls can't be re-opened without mods

Oh and it autocloses again if I don't change the date fast enough. Should be good now

@Joshua might be new


poll's up

@strutheo Wait so this closes on May 20th, original market closes May 14th. Are those correct?

@Joshua i usually just extend both these if its unclear / needs more data. and ive been leaving markets open to end of poll bc people seemed to want that.

i used to close market before poll earlier, and i still do that for some markets where it matterss (like hogwarts)

i guess with the new changes, i should be closing markets before poll always?

Eh I think it's fine to have them open at the same time, just curious how long they'll be open for

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