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@strutheo Cool market! Few quick questions about misc rulings:
I'm assuming Paul Giamatti isn't bald? (E.g. him at the golden globes: https://people.com/thmb/wPhdngrpMtQsManVn0syigAk7Oc=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(922x301:924x303)/Golden-Globes-Paul-Giamatti-010724-8da7bdd268cb4235ad87d090f7813963.jpg, he's balding a bit but def has some hair).
Paul Giamatti has blue (i.e. not brown) eyes, right? (e.g. https://healthyceleb.com/paul-giamatti/, and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Paul_Giamatti_2010_TIFF.jpg/800px-Paul_Giamatti_2010_TIFF.jpg close-ups of his face seem to show blue-ish grey, but figured I'd check if you agreed).
"Red Head (or was before turning grey)" I'm assuming it's just hair color that matters? (I.e. Cillian Murphy has a bit of a ginger beard but clearly is not a red head, that's just his facial hair)
@Ziddletwix oh man asking the hard questions
giamatti not bald.... temporary ruling until i see him on the day he wins, might need to poll manifold if there is more hair loss
eye color - blue seems confirmed
yes im talking about the head hair as an indicator for redhead
What will be used as the default source for height? It's pretty common to find disagreement online. (E.g. Leo is listed by IMDB at 6', 1.83m, and would be YES, but plenty of sources list him under 6', e.g. CelebHeights.com)
@Ziddletwix ill have to make a judgement call, but f there isnt a clear enough public consensus i can always do N/A
@strutheo Alrighty then what's the judgement call for Leo Dicaprio? And Jeffrey Wright? (He's typically listed below 6', but I've seen a few sketchy sources with 6'). (Seems easier to just use a default source like IMDB, but can ask individually if that's preferred)
@Ziddletwix ok based on the fact that IMDB data is submitted without citations, but Celebheights.com references their numbers, i am inclined to use Celebheights.com as default . and i'll go with DiCaprio being 5"11 based on current evidence
wyt? i dont have experience with height data , so if someone shows me that celebheights has a poor reputation, than we can use imdb instead
@strutheo Yup that seems fine to me! Although in this case, Leo didn't get nominated, so it should be fine. (Giamatti & Murphy should be solidly <6', some other nominees are close to 6' but Celebheights as default seems fine)