If you had to vote in an election, would you rather vote for Donald Trump or Curtis Yarvin?
Jun 11
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Please vote for Trump on this poll. Curtis Yarvin is genuinely much worse


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I think Yarvin's proposal of bricking people who are not sufficiently productive up in virtual reality pods is worse than anything Trump has proposed.

"Yarvin is a monarchist, who thinks society should be led by a singular, absolutely powerful sovereign who has total authority over his subjects without any kind of democratic accountability. He has deduced from first principles that getting rid of our current form of government and replacing it with this one will immediately solve all our problems and produce a maximally benevolent and generous regime—because if power is totally unassailable, what possible reason would it have not be maximally benevolent?
But his models do not quite stand up to the messiness of actual reality. What’s happening in Gaza is actually existing neoreaction. The IDF has a rigid top-down command structure. Its relation to the ordinary people of Gaza is one of total power without any accountability whatsoever. But for some reason, it’s not offering them equity in Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, so everyone can profit from their own houses being bombed, or whatever bullshit speculative notion Yarvin likes to cook up. Instead, it is systematically killing them. Whoops! Time for Curtis to go back to the drawing board. If it’s any consolation, his theory is one casualty of the war in Gaza that absolutely deserves its fate."
-Sam Kriss, Curtis Yarvin does not live in reality

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