If you had to vote in an election, would you rather vote for Donald Trump or Bobby Fischer?
resolved May 13
Bobby Fischer
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This is one reason I keep hoping for another US chess champion. The last time the US had a champion who wasn't a Holocaust denier was the 1800's.

I thought this was the kid from King of the Hill

@traders read the Fisher's wiki page first! Don't vote for him just because he is famous!

@KongoLandwalker he's dead, though. A dead president would probably do a better job than trump.

(Just making a silly joke, I'm aware the hypothetical assumes a living version...)

Bobby Fisher as others have said was an advocate for genocide against the Jews, insane, every bit as arrogant as Trump, a wicked man. Let me quote the most relevant bit of Daniel's comment below:

Fischer also referenced the movie Seven Days in May (1964) and said he hoped for a coup d'état in the US: "[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders

@PhilosophyBear Reposted 👍

@PhilosophyBear (fwiw this was later in life when the paranoid schizophrenia fully took over, also he was of jewish origin)

@strutheo they have just 3y birthdate difference. It is not consistent to compare old trump to young fischer.

@KongoLandwalker valid lol. young fisher would be too easy probably , i wanted this one to be hard

No way Trump is losing to the 2nd Most Antisemitic Guy. Bobby Fischer is good at chess, but has like... all the wrong opinions.

Arrogant and egocentric versus crazy and antisemitic? Looks like it should be an easy win for Trump.

It's a trap! I voted the wrong way!!!

Shortly after midnight on September 12, 2001, Philippines local time (approximately four hours after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the US), Fischer was interviewed live by Pablo Mercado on the Baguio station of the Bombo Radyo network. Fischer stated that he was happy that the attacks had happened, while expressing his view on United States and Israeli foreign policy, saying, "I applaud the act. Look, nobody gets ... that the US and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians ... for years."[427][428][429][430] He also said, "The horrible behavior that the US is committing all over the world ... This just shows you, that what goes around, comes around, even for the United States."[427][428] Fischer also referenced the movie Seven Days in May (1964) and said he hoped for a coup d'état in the US: "[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders."[431][432] In response to Fischer's statements about 9/11, the US Chess Federation passed a motion to cancel his right to membership in the organization.[433] Fischer's right to become a member was reinstated in 2007.[434]