What is your perceived value of 1000 mana?
resolved Mar 4
less than $1.00
$1.01 - $2.00
$2.01 - $3.00
$3.01 - $5.00
$5.01 - $10.00
$10.11 - $15.00
$15.00 - $100
I would give my life for mana
In the past, there was a clear conversion factor to USD based on the donation system.
Now the closest thing seems to be the mana purchase prices, which suggest around $10 per 1k mana.
I definitely do not feel I am spending $10 when I make a 1000 mana market.

This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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@JussiVilleHeiskanen Your personal assessment of the value, by whatever method you feel is appropriate. I think if I tried to define it rigorously, the whole thing would fall apart.
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