Trump at Bitcoin2024 mention market: which words/phrases will Trump say?
Aug 28
Announce -or- Announcement
I am the first
Campaign Donations -or- Donations to My Campaign

Bitcoin 2024 will be held in Nashville, TN July 25-27, 2024.

Donald Trump has confirmed a 30-minute speech on the 27th at 2pm CT.

Each word/phrase resolves YES if Trump says it during his Bitcoin 2024 speech (whether on the 27th or rescheduled for another day and/or time at the conference); otherwise NO.

only video content of the speech - in part or in full - will resolve this market. articles will not be counted for resolution, to avoid debate over quotes, paraphrasing, etc.

Plurals, possessives, and contractions count but otherwise an exact match is required, see specific rules below.

It's currently unclear whether this speech will be livestreamed, broadcast, or otherwise made available for public consumption - I will update the description if an announcement is made.

If, for any reason, Trump's speech at Bitcoin 2024 is not released in full, this market resolves based on whatever portions of the speech are made available on video by August 27th (1 month after he speaks). If, for any reason, Trump does not speak at Bitcoin 2024, all answers resolve NO.

The exact word or sequence of words must be said without any differences, except for the following rules:

  • Plurals (e.g., "cat" and "cats") are considered equivalent.

  • Possessives, e.g. "Trump's" counts as an instance of "Trump" (but not vice versa)

  • Contractions count the same as the words they represent e.g., "don't" is equivalent to "do not"

Some examples of words which are not considered the same (not an exhaustive list!)

  • Abbreviations, e.g. USA is not the same as "United States of America," and MAGA is not the same as "Make America Great Again" (and vice versa)

  • Verb tenses, e.g. running vs. ran are not the same

  • Other word forms like America and American are not the same

  • Parts of words, e.g. "Obamacare" does not count as an instance of "Obama"

Additional notes for clarity:

  • Any usage counts regardless of context.

  • Different meanings of a word, e.g. Apple the company or apple the fruit count as the same word.

  • Different capitalizations e.g., "Apple" and "apple" are counted as the same word.

  • Different spellings of a word due to regional variations are counted as the same word (e.g., "color" and "colour," "organize" and "organise")

    • It's a verbal engagement so this shouldn't matter but just for clarity. e.g. in case someone spells the word out, the spelling wouldn't matter.

  • Written accounts of Trump's statement will not resolve this market in case of misquotes or paraphrasing. Only video will count.

Anyone can add answers but moderators may moderate new answers at their discretion (e.g. clarifying or N/A-ing them). Moderators are also welcome to resolve as soon as they hear the words said. If there is any debate, please tag/discuss with me before resolving.

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we got trump next token prediction market before gta 6

I need go offline for a while - if anyone wants to provide proof of a Yes resolution (with a link+timestamp or an excerpt from an official transcript) feel free to add it here. Otherwise, I'll come back to the remaining options when I can.

bought Ṁ50 Shkreli NO

he mentioned campaign donations anyone has the quote?

bought Ṁ500 NFT NO

it wasn't either of the specific things listed. I'll wait to resolve, but I was listening for it.

bought Ṁ50 El Salvador NO

yea i heard a bit but i didnt catch his exact wording

Trump speaks at the conference tomorrow - RFK just made a bold promise to buy 4mil bitcoin via the US Treasury should be win the presidency


currently, Trump is still scheduled/planning to speak at Bitcoin 2024